On May 21, extraordinary young singers pursuing careers as vocal artists competed for $13,500 in prizes in this final round of Opera at Florham's 33rd Annual International Vocal Competition honoring Violetta DuPont. The public was invited to watch ten finalists demonstrate exceptional talent in the operatic art form before a celebrated collection of jurists, accompanied by Artistic Director, Mary Pinto.

Finalists 2022
First prize $5,000 Amanda Batista, soprano. Sponsored by Marty Jeiven.
Second prize $3,000 Younggwang Park, Bass. Sponsored by Joe DuPont, in honor of his mother, Violetta, OAF co-founder and Vocal Competition founder.
Third prize $2,000 Sejin Park, Baritone. Sponsored by Eleni Matos, former Competition winner.
Encouragement Awards of $500.00 Taryn Holback, Soprano; Sam Dhobhany, Bass-Baritone; Anna Kelly, Mezzo-Soprano; Seungchan Hong, Baritone; Chuanyuan Liu, Countertenor; Tasha Koontz, Soprano. Sponsored by Marty Jeiven, Joanne Williams, and Opera at Florham.

2023 Vocal Competition
2023 Vocal Competition

“Donde estás Cristóbal” from Florencia en el Amazonas at Opera at Florham

“Vivi tiranno” from Rodelinda at Opera at Florham

“Largo al factotum” from Barber of Seville at Opera at Florham
Ken Benson
Tyson Deaton
Cynthia Munzer
James Thurmond Smithgall
Barbara Ann Testa

Marty Jeiven, in honor of Opera at Florham Co-founder Charles Del Rosso
Joseph DuPont, in honor of his mother Violetta DuPont, founder of the OaF Vocal Competition
Eleni Matos
Barbara Ann Testa, Opera at Florham Trustee and Jurist
Joanne Williams, Trustee
Anonymous members of the Opera At Florham Board and Patrons